DIY Powdered Foundation

Makeup is something that we put on our skin EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. We sweat, we inhale, we absorb. What is in our makeup? Do we really know what all those complex substances are?  For most of us, we have no idea. Yet we put it on our skin every day. What if we could make our own makeup that was good for our skin for pennies? That was the challenge! With summer coming up I hate to wear heavy makeup. You want something light, almost like a mineral veil, that you can throw on and go. You will have to adjust this recipe to your skin tone but here are the basics.


Combine the powders together and apply to the inside of your wrist to test for color. One thing to note on this homemade powder is that you will need oil for it to stick. I apply my moisturizer (a face serum I made and will share in another post), let it absorb for a few minutes, and then apply the makeup. I added Young Living Frankincense, Lavender and Carrot Seed oils as well. About a drop of each, as these oils are great for the skin! Plus it smells amazing! I started with 2 tsp of arrowroot power, 1 tsp of cocoa powder and then a pinch or two of ginger and turmeric. Be aware that cinnamon in high doses can irritate the skin. Other optional ingredients are clay, and zinc oxide…just be sure it is non-nano and uncoated.

Have you ever made your own makeup? How did it turn out?




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