DIY Coconut Oil Pulling


What is oil pulling? Oil pulling is the concept of using oil to clean and detox your mouth. It is really beneficial to your gums and removes bacteria, toxins and plaque buildup from your mouth! Oil pulling started in India thousands of years ago and many explain that the benefits not only included toxins leaving their mouth but they experienced health benefits as well, such as reductions in headaches, infections, arthritis, skin conditions, etc. Some even notice their teeth are whiter! 

How do you oil pull? It’s simple, really. You swish approx. 1-2 Tbl of oil in your mouth when you first wake up in the morning for up to 20 minutes. Spit the oil out into the trash…not down the sink! Then you can rinse with warm water and brush your teeth.

I was introduced to oil pulling when I was pregnant and the texture was killer! I couldn’t do it! Now that I am no longer extremely sensitive to textures I can oil pull…. It just takes a while to get used to! Lukewarm mushy coconut oil was not the best feeling in my mouth and call me lazy, but it was hard to go to the kitchen, get out the tablespoon, scoop out the oil, and clean the spoon, right when I woke up. This makes it simple, quick and easy!

I decided to make hard little morsels that I could just pop in my mouth. It helps with the texture as it feels like a chocolate that is melting in your mouth!


I use Organic Coconut Oil. I melt it in warm water (not the microwave). Then I mixed in a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil. You could also use a drop or two of Theives oil. I poured it into silicone molds and let them harden in the fridge. I store them in the fridge and pop one in my mouth in the mornings! I try and stay busy while I am swishing so I wash my face, do my hair, or shower. It keeps me occupied so I’m not focused on the oil! My pulls are about 1 Tbl. You can always start smaller if you need to work your way up!

Have you done oil pulling?

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