Essential Oils

Since a lot of my products I make and talk about contain Essential Oils, I thought I would share a little about them and how they have changed my life! I am a huge advocate for wellness and health and Young Living Essential Oils fit right in. So here’s a bit about my family and our story…. and why I’m so passionate about sharing this information with others! My husband had been using Young Living oils for years. His parents used oils and he continued using them to help with his neck/back pain as well as other issues such as colds, a stuffy nose, cold sores, acne, and general wellness. I was familiar with oils and would use them every once in a while, but I finally started learning about all the things they could do and I was hooked! We try to keep chemical products at bay and being able to use something natural really drew me in! The journey led me to learn a lot about how our bodies are exposed to and process toxins, and I became a woman on a mission to rid our home of as many toxins as possible… including prescription and over the counter medications, cleaning supplies, and topical products such as lotions, sunscreen, etc. I wanted to use natural remedies and products whenever possible, especially with my new baby! We have been using oils primarily in our home and we will never look back! From different ailments to household cleaning, oils have helped us on our journey toward wellness!

So many people have testimonials of how oils have changed their lives and it’s amazing to see the benefits and walk alongside other oilers!! 

What I loved about Young Living was their mission to inspire wellness, purpose and abundance by distilling nature’s greatest gifts into pure essential oils. They have a commitment to plant purity and essential oil potency, and they inspire millions of people to transform their lives!




So I’m going to quickly walk you through an oil 101 class. I’m not going to cover everything, just the basics and you can always contact me for more information! What is an essential oil? Essential oils are the aromatic liquids found within shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, resins, and seeds. Some people like to call essential oils “nature’s living energy” because they contain unique constituents that provide a host of benefits.

Most essential oils are extracted from plant sources using steam distillation and are highly concentrated, making them far more potent than  dried botanicals.

Essential oils are volatile, which means that the scent of the oil rises quickly into the air.

They are also versatile, with a wide variety of uses. Some people use essential oils to enliven an environment, support different body systems, or just for their great scents. However you choose to use essential oils, chances are someone else has tried that same use in the past.

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Essential oils are nothing new. They have been used throughout history in many cultures for their health-supporting benefits. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Europeans, and Chinese have used them for centuries for health, beauty, fragrance, and spiritual practices. There are also many references to essential oils in historical texts, which signifies their importance in history.


How to use Essential Oils?

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One of my favorite ways to use essential oils is aromatically. Many of us have had a time where a smell triggers a memory—freshly baked bread, pine needles, or spring flowers can easily take you back to positive times in your life. Essential oils are the same! There’s actual chemistryThere are also many therapeutic benefits as well!

1.Place a couple of drops in the palm of your hand.

2.Rub your hands together.

3.Cup your hands over your nose and mouth and inhale deeply.

Diffusion is another great way to use essential oils aromatically. By creating a fine aromatic mist, diffusers allow you to create a spa-like atmosphere and enjoy the benefits of essential oils in any environment. Young Living offers a wide variety of diffusers, and when you enroll as a new member, you will receive a diffuser in your Premium Starter Kit! They are AWESOME!!!

I use my diffuser ALL. THE. TIME. My favorite thing to diffuse is Thieves oil. Its a blend that is great for supporting the immune system! Anytime I feel under the weather I put Thieves in! Added bonus….it smells like Christmas!


Essential oils can also be applied to the skin.  Topical application is a great way to support your skin because essential oils are easy to use and provide quick benefits. If you have never used essential oils, one great area of the body to apply them topically is to the feet.

I like to apply on the bottom of my feet, back of my neck, down my spine, or on my chest, depending on what I am using!


Some people choose to use essential oils internally by adding them to water or liquid, placing them in a capsule, or taking one of Young Living’s oil-infused products. Peppermint, for example, can help promote healthy bowel function and support overall digestion when taken internally.

I like to add Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, or Tangerine to my water! Helps me feel refreshed and curb my appetite!

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One reason I chose Young Living for my essential oils was the passion behind the company and their seed to seal commitment. Purity was very important to me.

Young Living’s commitment to quality starts with seeds. The seeds they use are selected for their ability to become botanicals with high levels of bioactive compounds.

They then grow the seeds using cultivation practices that are dedicated to responsible and sustainable growing and harvesting methods. I love that they don’t use chemicals or pesticides on their farms…just oils!

Next, they distill using a gentle, proprietary technique for steam extracting essential oils and preserving their precious constituents. I began learning about the distillation process and it fascinated me! You must distill slowly at a low temperature for a long period of time to preserve all the constituents. Most large commercial producers want to produce large quantities of oil as fast as possible so they distill their oils at high temperatures for short periods of time, or use chemicals and synthetic ingredients to do so. Yuck! If oils can be absorbed into your blood stream in seconds, you better believe I am wanting to make sure what I use is pure!

To guarantee consistent, verifiable quality, the oils are tested in Young Living’s own internal labs, as well as in third-party facilities. I believe third party testing is so important and I love that they do this! This was the icing on the cake for me.

Finally, each essential oil is carefully bottled and labeled using state-of-the-art equipment.

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To ensure that Young Living is able to control every step of the Seed to Seal process, they own a number of farms and partner or co-op with many others around the world. This personal, direct involvement in the growing process is what allows them to ensure that each product delivers  purity and efficacy. Most other oil companies are considered re-bottlers of oils. That means that they get a shipment of oils from farms and simply slap their label on the bottle. I love that Young Living is so involved in the entire process!

Here are some of the most popular oils and snippets of what they do!


Digize is great for supporting your digestive health! Anytime I have something that doesn’t sit right with me, I rub a little on my stomach in a clockwise motion and it really helps! If I notice it’s something that is really bad I take it internally. You can do capsule form or I just put a drop in a glass cup and take it like a shooter. Not the best tasting or smelling but really works well!


Copaiba is considered a magnifying oil. This means that if you are using an oil blend and want some extra strength, layer Copaiba on top! It is also supportive of skin health, skin appearance, supports digestive health and respiratory health. It helps support your body’s natural response to injury and irritation! IMG_3061

Stress away really does what is says it does! It’s calming and soothing and smells wonderful! I love to diffuse it or when I’m stressed, I apply to my wrists or my chest. It’s a vacation in a bottle. Seriously!




My husband loves Panaway! Anytime he has that terrible pressure in his head he applies it to his temples. He also loves to put it down his neck or on his back when he is feeling sore. It’s great for those sore muscles!


Purification is another one of my favorites! This oil is great for getting rid of those foul or stinky smells….smoke, animal urine, cooking smells, stinky man, etc! I use it in my homemade bug spray and deodorizers. I like to diffuse it and apply to any breakouts on my skin.



This is my favorite oil!! I use it for cleaning around the house, I diffuse and use topically on my feet to support my immune system. I make a hand sanitizer with it as well. Thieves is my go to for supporting health in my body!



Frankincense is great for the skin! I use it in my skin serum that I put on my face! I love the smell and it’s great for uplifting the mood or meditating! It also supports immune system function. This is one of the most expensive oils so it’s great that it comes in the kit!



Lemon is a versatile oil! I like to drink a drop in a glass of water. I use it to get rid of the sticky stuff left over from labels! It can help remove crayons off walls, I have also used it to remove Jamberry nails! You can use it in recipes….lemon chicken, lemon whipped cream, lemonade, etc. You can use in a produce wash as well! It’s great diffused and can help suppress your appetite! I like to clean with it! Remember that lemon oil is made from the peel of the lemon so it is high in d-limonene. Be careful if using this oil topically as it can cause sensitivity in the sunlight!


You know that terrible pressure in your head you sometimes get? I like to put peppermint on my temples and find it helps! If I’m feeling nauseous or something isn’t sitting right, rubbing peppermint on my stomach helps! My father in law loves to go deep sea fishing but gets very sea sick. He ingests peppermint to help! It is great at giving me some energy when I need it! I just inhale or take a drop internally!


Lavender is my go to for almost everything! If I get a burn, I apply lavender. Rash from an allergic reaction? I put lavender on. Bug bites that are so itchy? I put lavender. Lavender diffused with cedarwood really helps my daughter sleep!



R.C. is a blend that is really supportive of respiratory health and healthy sinus function. I like to rub it on my chest or on the bottom of my feet when I’m feeling stuffy. I like to diffuse it as well!



So those are the oils that are included in the premium starter kit! The other reason I love this kit is because you get wholesale pricing! That’s 24% off retail prices, you get the chance to earn rewards towards free products, and you have the opportunity to earn an income if you desire! For $160 that is a steal! In the kit, you receive the above oils; a diffuser; sample packets of NingXia Red; and shareable materials, including sample packets, a roller ball, and more. It’s everything you need to discover the products for yourself and get immersed in the Young Living lifestyle.




IMG_3067IMG_3068So how do you get your hands on these oils?? Click on the following link and this kit can be in your hands! Purchase Premium Starter Kit and Become a Member! Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask!


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