DIY Chapstick

Mmmmm I LOVE homemade chapstick! It’s silky smooth and so good for your lips! It will save you so much money (EOS chapstick is expensive!) and you can change up the scents as you like! They make great gifts as well!474A3919

Chapstick (makes approx. 6-8 tubes)

1 Tbl beeswax

1 Tbl shea butter

1 Tbl coconut oil

5 drops peppermint

Melt beeswax in a double boiler. Add coconut oil and shea butter at the end. Once everything is melted, remove from heat. Let cool slightly, then add EO’s. Experiment with different ones! Lavender, tea tree, grapefruit, orange(just be careful as citrus oils can be sensitive when used in sunlight) If you like your chapstck thicker you can use more beeswax, thinner, decrease the beeswax or add more coconut oil! You can always re melt down a batch if you don’t like the consistency!


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