DIY Deodorizers

Having a baby in diapers means dealing with the stinky diaper pail! The solution was an easy one! I had tried using essential oils on a cloth that I dropped in the pail but this method works much better! Here is what you will need:


Mix together 1 cup baking soda and 1/2 – 1 cup of distilled water. You want the consistency to be similar to a thick paste. Once mixed well spoon into a silicone mold. Set aside to dry for 24-48 hrs. That’s it! Pop them out and store in a glass or plastic ziploc. I put mine in the fridge. When they are ready to be used put one drop of Young Living Purification Essential Oil on them and toss it into the pail.
That’s it! This has been working great for us! You could also use these in a trash can, garbage disposal or refrigerator! This oil is amazing at getting rid of strong scents! We diffuse Purification to cleanse the air of foul or stale smells! It works wonders on removing the smell of smoke! I placed a few drops on a cotton ball and placed them inside sheepskin boots that smelled of smoke. I left it in overnight and the smell was completely gone by the next day! My coworker diffused in her house after her dog peed on the carpet. She had tried numerous things and the smell wouldn’t go away. After diffusing, the smell was gone! This oil is also great at helping to keep those bugs away! We always bring it camping with us!